Table Tennis

Since 2020, there has been a table tennis section at Aufschlag. Everyone who is enthusiastic about sports is welcome, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or skill level. We train ourselves in a relaxed, sporty atmosphere.

Date and location

In the Winter semester of 2024/25, the playing days alternate between Wednesdays and Thursdays:

Even weeks (e.g., Week 2, 4, 6, …): Wednesdays, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

Odd weeks (e.g., Week 1, 3, 5, …): Thursdays, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

Two tables are reserved for the group at each of these times.

Tennis Point Vienna 3, Baumgasse 87, 1030 Vienna


The membership fee per semester is 60 euros for working people, 45 euros for unemployed people. Tripping three times without membership is possible and costs 5 euros per appointment.

What do you need as equipment?

Indoor sneakers and comfortable sports clothes are required. A professional table tennis racket is also recommended. If it is not clear what that is, simply ask for it the first time.
Balls are provided.


If you would like to join us, have questions or would like to get a taste of it, please contact:

(preferably WhatsApp or SMS)

Our partners

Table Tennis Hobby Wien — The Vienna Table Tennis Platform

Table Tennis Hobby Wien offers all Viennese people a platform to organize or arrange spontaneous table tennis meetings indoors or outdoors. Become part of this large Viennese table tennis community and exchange ideas in a friendly atmosphere.

To the website of Tischtennis Hobby Wien

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Aufschlag Wien is Austria's largest sports club for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, intersex and queer people who want to play sports with like-minded people in a non-discriminatory, anti-racist and anti-sexist environment. However, everyone is welcome
— regardless of sexual orientation and identity, age, ethnicity and physical conditions.

Our club currently offers seven sports. At the same time, we would like to expand our range of sports. If you would like to initiate and coordinate a new sport, please just get in touch with us! We can help with advice and assistance and, if necessary, with premises.

FLINTA* soccer with the ballerin*s
Hiking (Queer Hike)
Table Tennis