Mission Statement

The Sports Club „Aufschlag Wien“ is a non-profit multi-sport club, particularly aimed at members of the LGBTIQ community who want to participate in sports in an environment that is free from discrimination, racism and sexism.

Everyone is welcome at Aufschlag Wien, regardless of sexual orientation and identity, age, ethnic background, and physical abilities.

The club provides an equal platform for those members for whom the joy of sports and the community are the main goals, as well as those who are focused on competition and performance improvement. Through membership in sports federations, the club also enables and supports participation in national and international competitions. Aufschlag Wien strives, taking into account the requirements and conditions of the sports offered and the possibilities of the club, to provide the necessary infrastructure and equipment.

Respect, tolerance and open communication among each other form the foundation for a positive development of the club. The Sports Club „Aufschlag Wien“ stands for fair play. The overall well-being of the club always takes precedence over individual interests.

The club depends on the volunteer work of its members. All members are explicitly invited to actively participate in the development of the club, the expansion of the sports offerings, and the organization of social activities. Ideas, constructive criticism and active participation are always welcome.

The Sports Club „Aufschlag Wien“ also regularly participates in public events of the LGBTIQ community, thereby supporting the visibility of LGBTIQ people who participate in sports.

The goals of the Sports Club „Aufschlag Wien“ differ from those of a classic sports club. Our club is also a community and offers the opportunity to get in touch with like-minded people and get to know them. Social activities round off the club activities as much as our political contribution to the equality and visibility of diverse lifestyles in society.