EuroGames Vienna 2024: A celebration of sport, a celebration of diversity

From July 17 to 20, 2024, the time has come: The EuroGames will also take place in Vienna for the first time. Up to 4,000 athletes are expected. Since mid-November, participants have been able to register for their favorite sport. The EuroGames will not only be a celebration of sport, but also of diversity.

The EuroGames are the biggest multi-sport event for LGBTIQ+ people & friends at grassroots sports level. The games are awarded by the EGLSF (European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation). The motto of EuroGames Vienna 2024 is “Embrace Diversity” and is also a political event that aims to promote the inclusion and visibility of the queer (sports) community and address their concerns. They are a non-profit event, are organized by a non-profit association (EuroGames Vienna 2024) and are open to all viewers free of charge. They are organized as a green event.

The sports club Aufschlag, together with the Kraulquappen swimming club, was the driving force behind the bid for the EuroGames in Vienna. Association members are involved in the organization of this important event at key levels.

The goals of EuroGames Vienna 2024

  • Ambitious and exciting sports competitions as part of the EuroGames with as many participants as possible from all over Europe
  • An unforgettable event for the entire city of Vienna, Austria and the LGBTIQ+ community in Europe and beyond
  • Combating discrimination in sport
  • Promoting the integration and emancipation of LGBTIQ+ athletes
  • Supporting and empowering LGBTIQ+ athletes to come out
  • Help to set up LGBTIQ+ sports clubs
  • to make women/lesbians, inter-, non-binary, trans- and agender-people, i.e. FLINTA*, more visible in sport
  • Positive influence in our neighbourhood, i.e. towards Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, where LGBTIQ+ rights are still or increasingly under pressure or are even denied.

Record-breaking number of sports

The range of sports on offer at the previous EuroGames will barely reach a level ever seen before: In over 30 sports, medals should be played, run, climbed, danced, swam, rowed or shot with darts darts, not only with ambition, but also and above all with lots of joy and fun.

Volunteer support

An event of this size also requires many helping hands. For this reason, interested parties can already register now at website Register as volunteers. Whether preparing at over 20 locations in Vienna, during registration, at sports tournaments, in the EuroGames Village on Karlsplatz or behind the scenes before and during EuroGames Vienna 2024 — there are tasks for all ages, interests and abilities of our volunteers.

Diverse supporting program

In addition to the sports tournaments, which will of course be the focus of EuroGames Vienna 2024, entertainment for our participants should not be neglected. The EuroGames Village on Karlsplatz will be a hotspot for socializing after sport for four days. Concerts, readings, film screenings and discussions are just a few highlights that the Village will offer athletes and everyone who stops by.

On the evening of July 17, the official opening ceremony will take place at EuroGames Village. On the last day, all participants will be able to present their medals at the closing ceremony of EuroGames Vienna 2024 on July 20 and enjoy the program on stage one last time. In addition, there will be collaborations with parties and events that present Vienna from its fun-loving side.

EuroGames Vienna 2024 — Embrace Diversity and be part of it!

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