Member Form

Become a member

Your data will be kept confidential and will not be passed on to persons outside the association.

Step 1:

Please contact with the respective Section heads before you sign up as a member for a sport, as it may happen that sections are temporarily unable to accept new members.

Step 2:

Familiarise yourself with our mission statement:

‍Mission statement Sportverein Aufschlag Wien

Sportverein Aufschlag Wien is a non-profit multi-sector sports association aimed in particular at people from the LGBTIQ community who want to play sports with like-minded people in a non-discriminatory, anti-racist and anti-sexist environment.

Everyone is welcome at Sportverein Aufschlag Wien - regardless of sexual orientation and identity, age, ethnicity and physical requirements.

The association offers an equal platform both for those members for whom the joy of sporting activity and cooperation are the main goals, as well as for those for whom the idea of competition and improving performance is central. Through membership in sports associations, the club also enables and supports participation in national and international competitions. Aufschlag Wien strives - admittedly taking into account the requirements and framework conditions of the sports offered and the club's opportunities - to provide the necessary infrastructure and equipment.

Respect, tolerance and open communication with one another form the basis for the positive development of the association. The sports club Aufschlag Wien relies on fair play. The overall good of the association always prevails over individual interests.

The association thrives on the voluntary work of its members. All members are expressly invited to actively participate in the development of the association, the expansion of sports offerings and the organization of social activities. Ideas, constructive criticism and active participation are always welcome.

Sportverein Aufschlag Wien also regularly takes part in high-profile events organized by the LGBTIQ community and thus supports the visibility of LGBTIQ people involved in sports.

The goals of the sports club Aufschlag Wien differ from those of a classic sports club. Our association is also a community and offers the opportunity to get in touch with like-minded people and get to know them.

Social activities round off the activities of the association as well as our political contribution to equality and visibility of diverse ways of life and love in society.

Step 3:

After approval from the section heads, fill out the form:

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