Since spring 2021, we have been able to offer tennis again!

Tennis is open to everyone, especially lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people and their friends.

Game level: From beginners to professionals — everyone is welcome!

Date and location

From May to October Thursday, 18:00 to 20:00

If required, several places are reserved for the group.

Altmannsdorf Tennis Club, Sagedergasse 10-12, 1120 Vienna

Am Schöpfwerk U6 station


The membership fee per season is 120 euros for working people, 95 euros for unemployed people. Tripping three times without membership is possible and costs 10 euros per appointment.

What do you need as a newcomer?

tennis shoes, comfortable sportswear and rackets. You can also borrow a racket. Balls are provided.


If you would like to join us, have questions or would like to get a taste of it, please contact:

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Aufschlag Wien is Austria's largest sports club for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, intersex and queer people who want to play sports with like-minded people in a non-discriminatory, anti-racist and anti-sexist environment. However, everyone is welcome
— regardless of sexual orientation and identity, age, ethnicity and physical conditions.

Our club currently offers seven sports. At the same time, we would like to expand our range of sports. If you would like to initiate and coordinate a new sport, please just get in touch with us! We can help with advice and assistance and, if necessary, with premises.

FLINTA*-Soccer with the ballerin*s
Hiking (Queer Hike)