Vienna Valentine 2013 - Ergebnisse/Results

February 15, 2013

The Vienna Valentine Tournament from 15 to 17 February 2013 was a huge success. About 300 swimmers and 80 volley players participated in the competitions organized by Kraulquappen and Sportverein Aufschlag.

VIVA5 Volleyball competitions were carried out in three three levels: B+, B- and C.  On the whole, ten teams from Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Austria took part.

In the final of level B+, Blue Team Piadini Rimini celebrated a tight victory over Panteres Grogues Barcelona. In level B-, Lotosove Kvety Unicorns from Bratislava won the gold medal in beating Inteam Stuttgart. Finally, in level C, one of the Viennese teams, K.U.K. gained victory in the final against Lotosove Kvety Giants from Bratislava.

After the tournament, a great party was celebrated in Rote Bar next to Volkstheater.

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